We need leadership at the national level to put into motion the new "post-carbon" future. The benefits to the economy and the environment are documented in numerous studies. It is only a tragic lack of forsight in the political sphere that keeps us from a path to a more secure and prosperous America. If our leaders fail to act, we will have missed the chance to profit from the new industrial revolution of the 21st Century.



We are told that to address climate change would be to disrupt the world economy. The Stern Report (Fall 2006) contradicts that claim.

Unabated climate change could cost the world at least 5 percent of GDP each year; if more dramatic predictions come to pass, the cost could be more than 20 percent of GDP.

The cost of reducing emissions could be limited to around 1 percent of global GDP; people could be charged more for carbon-intensive goods.

Each tonne of CO2 we emit causes damages worth at least $85, but emissions can be cut at a cost of less than $25 a ton.

Shifting the world onto a low-carbon path could eventually benefit the economy by $2.5 trillion a year.

By 2050, markets for low-carbon technologies could be worth at least $500bn.
What we do now can have only a limited effect on the climate over the next 40 or 50 years, but what we do in the next 10-20 years can have a profound effect on the climate in the second half of this century.

The Statue of Liberty gets 100% of her power from renewable energy


Renewable energy creates more jobs per unit of energy produced than fossil fuel technologies do.

Between 1980 and 1999, U.S. coal production increased by 32 percent, while related employment declined by 66% due to automation.

In contrast, increasing U.S. wind capacity by five times today's capacity would create 150,000 manufacturing jobs. Studies on Job creation in the renewable energy market can be found here.

Time is running out for America to compete for the largest new markets in the coming decades. The U.S. Auto manufacturing sector has already suffered by steadfastly refusing to adapt to consumer interest in fuel efficient cars.

Germany and Spain have forged a dominant position in wind energy, Japan and Germany lead in Solar energy production, Brazil dominates in bio fuel production, and China is a leader in small hydropower and water heating.

It is estimated that investment in renewable energy technology will approach $70 billion by 2010. Will America compete?

Clean Edge U.S. Index tracks the performance of clean energy companies.

LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) establishes standards for green building design that affect energy generation and use, air quality, and water use in commercial and residential buildings.

An up front investment of 2% in green building design results in average savings of at least 10 times the initial investment over a 20-year period.


Transportation accounts for two-thirds of oil consumption and is the principal cause of urban air pollution.

Currently, the best way to reduce transportation consumption is in bio-fueled cars and hybrid gas-electric technology.

Hybrids are up to 30% more fuel efficient than conventional cars and trucks. Electric cars are the ideal solution for urban environments: The New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission has proposed replacing it entire taxi fleet with electric cabs.

Nearly half of U.S. soybean farmers use Ethanol. Bio-fuels would benefit farmers and create economic opportunities to the farm sector. And it is a very clean-burning, no-emmissions fuel.

According to the Renewable Fuels Association, ethanol industry created 154,000 jobs in 2005.

The Ethanol story shows the potential for alternative technologies to generate wealth and stimulate entrepreneurs. But is it the right solution to combat Global Warming?

Joseph Romm reminds us that to grow the crops that become bio-fuel, American agribusiness employees petroleum-based fertilizer and petroleum-run equipment, depleting the benefits of ethanol. As a result, ethanol vehicles are only keeping 25% more CO2 out of the atmosphere.

25 x '25 a cross-section of agriculture and forestry groups committed to meet 25% of U.S. energy demands by 2025 with clean, secure and renewable energy from America's fields, forests, and ranches.

Based in part on the report The Renewable Path to Energy Security
by The Worldwatch Institute and The Center for American Progress


Energy efficiency is the most immediate way to reduce both our dependence on foreign oil, and the level of greenhouse gasses produced.

Strong government policies can have significant impact in the conserving of fuel, from emissions standards on cars to the use of energy efficient light bulbs to the use of hybrid cars in all government fleets. Because of robust efficiency policies, California has the lowest per capita energy consumption in the nation.

Check out the Flex Your Power campaign that reduced power demand by 5000 megawatts in 2001. The technology exists. We need leadership.

Since home appliance efficiency standards were enacted in 1987, manufacturers have nearly tripled refrigerator efficiency! Government has a role to play.

During 2005,wind turbines operating in the United States offset the emission of 3.5 million tons of carbon dioxide,while reducing natural gas demand for power generation by 4–5 %.

Wind farms can be permitted and built far faster than conventional power plants.And by some estimates, every 100 MW of wind capacity creates 200 construction jobs, 2–5 permanent jobs,and up to $1 million in local property tax revenue.

Solar power plants that concentrate sunlight in desert areas require 2,540 acres per
billion kWh.On a lifecycle basis,this is less land than a comparable coal or hydropower
plant requires, and because most deserts are sparsely populated, there is plenty of room for
solar power plants.

A little over 4,000 square miles—equivalent to 3.4 percent of the land in New Mexico—would be sufficient to produce 30 percent of the country’s electricity.

In addition,sunlight can be used to produce power without using any land at all,simply by installing solar cells on the available roofs and walls of U.S.buildings.It is estimated that the nation has 6,270 square miles of roof area and 2,350 square miles of façades that are suitable for harnessing solar power. Mounting solar panels on just half of this area could supply nearly 30% of U.S. electricity.

Annual global production of solar cells has increased six-fold since 2000.

The U.S. is the birthplace of the solar cell industry, holding 44 percent of the solar cell market as recently as 1996. By 2005, that figure had fallen to 9 percent.

Bio fuel is any fuel that is derived from biomass — recently living organisms or their metabolic byproducts, such as manure from cows. It is a renewable energy source, unlike other natural resources such as petroleum, coal, and nuclear fuels.

A highly efficient way to heat homes and businesses: Ground temperatures about four to six feet below the Earth's surface remain relatively moderate and constant all year. That's because the Earth absorbs 47% of all the heat energy that reaches it's surface from the sun. A geothermal system circulates a water-based solution through a buried loop system to take advantage of these constant temperatures.

A single piece of equipment has the ability to heat and cool your home, while providing some or all of your home's hot water as well. Geothermal systems can save you 30% to 70% on your monthly utility bills.

Hydropower, which captures the natural energy of flowing and falling water to generate power. Currently hydropower provides one fifth of the world's power and 7 percent of power in the U.S. That percentage could change: of 80,000 dams in the United States, only 3% are used to generate electricity. There is a lack of tax incentives to encourage growth. Once again, government could play a role.

There is also potential in Marine Energy Technology, the harvesting of Tidal Power, Ocean current power, Wave Energy, and Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) which derives power from the dynamics created between water temperatures.

Hoover Dam, located on the Nevada-Arizona border

Many feel that nuclear is the only emission-free solution to our energy problems. (most remarkably James Lovelock, author of the Gaia theory).You won't find agreement on these pages. Aside from the danger of an accident, and the problem of waste disposal, nuclear plants will take up to twelve years to build. We need solutions NOW.

Track federal legislation and tell your senator and your congressman you want real solutions with teeth!

•Establish a consistent, predictable, and long-term framework of rules and incentives. Renewable resource developers,like other capital financiers,need certainty to make informed investments.

Government has a role to play. It has subsidized the oil and gas industry for decades. It is time to make a change. Time to educate the consumer, the investor, time to influence the marketplace.